Thursday, January 8, 2009

Begging Bowl For Joe Six Pack

I applaud the UAW for making the issue clear, but is it just me or is it rather sad that a bunch of Wall Street pricks I went to B School with got $700B with no accountability, and regular people get the shaft. People who work with their hands, begging. People who steal with both hands, rewarded.

Look, the regular people have been getting the shaft for years - I believe it is called compassionate conservative -- compassion for the Upper West Side, contempt for everyone else. Unfortunately the utter ineptitude of the Bush Admin -- in letting people drown in NO, in ignoring warnings about 9-11, in measuring the unaccounted for money in IRAQ buy the TON instead of the amount, by tasking the civil rights unit to protect the supposedly challenged rights of WHITE people -- has made us immune to travesties like this. "Well, that's the way it works..."

Feck that. Let's hope Obama has better judgement than he has shown picking Reverends for the Inauguration.

And BTW, before some laissez faire economist replies by saying it's survival fo the fittest -- I say where were THEY when these Southern Pricks like Senator Shelby were falling all over themselves to give billions to FOREIGN auto companies to locate in their states?

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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