Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tech Crunch 50: Mixtt: Transforming Social Media from One to Many TO Many To Many

We are all aware that one of the critical aspects of the Internet is the ability for one person to reach a virtually unlimited audience. The triumph of technology making one-to-many communication possible.

Social media was a lynchpin of this, because it gave everyone a place and the tools to connect with individuals or groups as they saw fit.

Mixtt offers a new take on the "to-many" concept, though in this case it is "many-to-many."

Here's how it works. You sign up your group, post your interests and plans, and connect with other GROUPS -- in the real world.

So for example, Jane and her girlfriends join and connect with John and his posse at a bar in SoHo.

This makes it a sort of hybrid between online dating, which is by all accounts a mature business in its current form, and social networking. The system doesn't rely on profiles or quizzes but rather on the ability of groups to safely meet one another in the real world. I say safely not because safety is certain, but rather because you are a lot safer when you meet that fella with your galpals than alone. It also lets you meet multiple people at once -- meaning fewer uncomfy dates and more social occasions that might actually be -- dare I say it -- fun?

Naturally, this doesn't have to be about meeting in a bar. For example, two dog lover groups could meet at a dog part (and what better credential is there in a potential mate than a love of dogs?)

Now, this model won't be for every online dater. If you view online dating in terms of a younger, casual group and an older relationship oriented set, Mixtt seems clearly aimed at the former - the Match/Lavalife users who have the time and inclination to participate in more social occasions.

And lots of companies have made big dough on that segment of the market. My point being that I'd be more concerned about this if I were Lavalife than eHarmony or Perfectmatch.

And what's more, this site is really meeting a need -- the desire for human connection -- in an innovative way. The model is tailor-made to attract women, because it is safer and more relaxed as a concept. And the one certainty in online dating is that where there are women, the lads follow ASAP.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.


  1. I just saw a wall street journal article about group dating last week. Mixtt sounds an awful lot like

  2. Yeah, they're fairly similar. MIXTT has some calendar thing that's different though. I also think they might be targeting a slightly more mature (20s, not teens) audience?


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