Tuesday, July 8, 2008

150 Million Downloads of a Browser Not Made in Redmond, WA

I had an interesting discussion with someone about browsers. Starts like the beginning of a rather boring conversation, but what WAS interesting is that I learned that there is a browser called Maxthon, second most popular in China, that I had never heard of before. Being second in China is a main reason why the browser has been reportedly downloaded 150 Million times.

Developed in China as essentially an add-on to MSIE, Maxthon has grown to house a massive set of features while offering full MSIE web compatibility. What can you do with Maxthon?

Tabbed browsing
Mouse gesture navigating
Acceleration for frequently visited sites
Form filler
Feed reader
URL aliasing - give your favorite site a nickname and just type that into the address bar to visit. For example, typing BEST BLOG EVER to get here. ;-)
Ad and pop up blocking
Screen capture
URL hotkeys
Undo feature for closed tabs
Online indexing of your favorites
Quick word search view drag and drop

And more. Very interesting feature set. While MSIE and Firefox have their own exclusive features, this list sounds pretty cool to me.

Maxthon is freeware, but they have strategic investment deals in place and make money via the development of branded browsers and OEM.

So there you go. Maxthon. You learn about something new every day.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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