Friday, May 13, 2011

Start-Up Watch COD: Atmio makes developing mobile landing pages good/fast/cheap

We’ve all heard the expression…”Good, fast, cheap. Pick two.” The idea of course is that it is impossible to purchase a service that is simultaneously high quality, inexpensive, and ready to go now.

Well, a company called Atmio thinks it has a solution to improving consumer experience and conversion rates for mobile web users -- a solution that delivers on all three. They see a huge opportunity in providing software that solves a host of the problems that have slowed companies from making the most of mobile web opps.

Atmio is a software company that makes products specifically to improve the mobile web shopping, learning, and buying processes. When customers seek to consider and purchase items through their mobile devices, Atmio improves their experience by offering easy to use tools that empower online marketers to make powerful and effective landing and shopping environments.

There are three components to their solution:

Mobile landing page generator that is very easy to use.

Behavioral targeting engine that enables dynamic changes to the landing page based upon visitor characteristics

Analytics that can be delivered through their Business Engine or Google Analytics.

The opportunity for developing better buying experiences on the mobile web couldn’t be clearer. By 2014, more people are expected to be surfing through mobile devices than through PCs. They’ve already crossed that threshold in a number of Asian countries. And the advent of tablets is only accelerating the trend. What’s more, the enormous range of phones and associated capabilities can make it difficult and expensive to deliver good mobile web experiences consistently and economically.

To use the Atmio page making platform, the marketer simply logs in and starts laying elements out onto a page. When they have a design they are happy with, they can test it on a phone and then deploy. The platform ensures that pages properly render on the full range of smart phones, which further reduces development costs. It works for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows 7 phones, and more.

The company serves up a long list of use cases where the companies offerings can drive better metrics:

Landing pages for mobile ad campaigns

Offering a mobile landing page alternative for CRM programs, to accommodate that that are reviewing emails over their phones

E-Commerce Mobile pages can enable you to capture buyer information to simplify the buying process for consumers

Event marketers can offer up a simple mobile landing page experience tailored to eventgoers

Retail QR pages: Instore displays can bear QR codes that take shoppers to specific info and offers online

Print and direct mail campaigns can bear a mobile url as an alternative, to accommodate people who prefer going online via phone.

Salesforce-Create pages that collect lead and other info and transfer it directly into salesforce

Santa Clara based Atmio offerings are SaaS services, and has four different grades of capabilities. You can see a comparison of these services here.

There’s no question that mobile web browsing will continue to grow rapidly, and that the need for improved transactional and other metrics for mobile web browsers will become more and more acute for online marketers.

Thanks to ad:tech for publishing this first.

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