Thursday, January 13, 2011

COD: Puppy Tweets - the sounds of Western Civ collapsing and oh gosh do I want one

Yes this space is supposed to be about promoting new companies, but I am taking a short detour today to tell you about the most exciting new product in years -- years, I tell you!

You tweet, I tweet, heck, probably your Grandma tweets as well. But what about your best friend? Here in the United States, an entire category of family member has been PREVENTED from using Twitter. Canines.

Fortunately, the people at Mattel have acted in the interests of dog speech by creating Puppy Tweets. It's a collar on your dog that detects movement, barking, and the like, and then posts messages to a tweet stream to tell you what your dog is up to. Well, sort of. It publishes a randomly selected one of 500 humorous tweets that suggest what your dog MAY be up to. But you're not there, so who's to know if they get it wrong some of the time?

Messages are transmitted from a plastic collar medallion to a USB receiver on a nearby PC.

CNBC reporter Bertha Coombs had this to say, "Should we assume Paris Hilton's Chihuahua's tweets would be any more unprovocative than a socialite's musings? And what about Leona Helmsley's heir, the Maltese named Trouble? That pooch might have a bone to pick with the judge who reduced her $12 million inheritance."

I will concede that Western Civ will decline ever so slightly with each successive Tweet. But I have to say, I'd love one if I could get doggie daycare to install a USB receiver for my pup. Unfortunately that would require 180 PCs or so for each dog to be tracked, and even they don't have that much money.

So, as sad as it makes me, Mr. Sleepers will be silent on the Internets for a little longer, until Mattel gets T-Mobile to offer Puppy Tweets service over their network.

Snap one up here...

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