Monday, January 5, 2009

Ad Makers Post Nine: TargetSpot

So, we have banners, video, and search ad makers, it's only natural that there also be Internet radio ad makers. And the leader is TargetSpot, an online radio ad network that makes it easy to create a campaign, produce ads, buy media, serve ads, and get reporting/diagnostics. One stop shopping for online radio ads.

While not attracting the obsessive attention that online video does, online radio reaches millions, and the radio format has been demonstrated to work well for both branding and DR advertisers.

Online radio can be targeted nationally, nationally by demo, by state, by DMA, even zip code if you can believe it. So lots of options for national, regional, and local advertisers alike. You can also focus on key listening times like morning, midday, etc. I would imagine that the key offline radio dayparts of morning drive and evening drive are not the critical times for Internet radio, but WTF do I know?

In terms of ad units, you can upload them or make one yourself via a PC mic.

A broad range of Internet radio pureplays and hybrid networks participate with TargetSpot. Here's a graphical list:

With a broad range of targeting options, and affordable buys, this medium may well be the sleeper of the ad supported web. Check it out!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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