Now, I bet my headline gave you a little misdirect. I am not asking if your business needs to create a soc net. No, rather my question is whether you need to join a soc network for business.
CMyPitch is just that. A community where business people can further their goals in a lot of different ways.
Business is of course a huge arena, and the needs of different kinds of business vary markedly. To capitalize on this, CMyPitch offers a variety of arenas. There is a specific zone for:
Small and Medium Sized Businesses
Businesses for Sale
Franchise Opps
Entrepreneur TV
Amalgamated Business Directory
Each area offers a specific set of features and benefits geared to that community.
The name of the game here is video -- business people on film talking about what they are doing, selling, or needing. And with that in mind, let me show you CMyPitch's pitch.
So this is part TechCrunchj 60 second pitches, but also part bourse, part service pitches, and part networking party all rolled into one.
It's not all video pitching so don't stay away because you ain't photogenic. While video really is a differentiating factor for the site, there's a lot more to it than that.
The environment offers a way to publicize events, put a job out for bids, or even hear the ideas and tips of successful business people.
CMyPitch also offers ways to connect with that most elusive group of all -- potential investors in ideas. That alone should drive some significant traffic to the site.
CMyPitch is a London based business, and clearly its target is anyone with an entrepreneurial bent. Whether that means you want to start a whole smart business or change the world with the next Google, well, that's up to you. I like that focus on breadth.
Check them out. Find the area that's right for you and start watching. Or pitching!
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.
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