Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ben and Jerry Go Social UGC

Well, Ben and Jerry are subsidiaries of Unilever now, but their newest brand effort, designed to both foster social purpose and pitch the new "Imagine Whirled Peace" flavor, is yet another example of how the face of marketing has changed so profoundly. The program asks people to upload pictures of themselves as well as a message designed to bring greater harmony to the earth.

So very on brand. So very them. Upload yours on the Ben and Jerrys website.

And if you are really more interested in the flavor than the promo, read how B&J describe it:

We hope this whirly mixture of toffee cookies and fudge peace signs enlightens your bellies and souls and makes you ask what you can do to promote peace in your lives.

Is it my imagination, or has the markeitng over at Unilever gone up a notch or three since they acquired this company?

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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