There is so much jargon in digital that the use of it often silences debate. And don't think that isn't sometimes intentional. My favorite debate stopper is the word algorithm, a word guaranteed to conjure up mental images of millions of lines of code and thereby seal upper lips to lowers.
Algorithms sound like concepts mere wortals weren't built to understand. I am reminded of a book by Allen Paulos called Innumeracy, which chronicled human misunderstanding of chance and probability. Innumeracy explains the poor unfortunate fellow who took all his cash and but 110,000 Lotto tickets, thinking surely he'd win with THAT MANY tickets.
So I want to demystify the word algorithm. It means method. Or alternatively...process. Or simpler yet, way. So when you hear someone smug talk about algorithms, remember that little trick. Substitute "way" in the speaker's sentence, and fire off your arguments. ;-) Don't be silenced by the smug.
Thansk for reading, and don't forget to write.
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