Monday, June 23, 2008

Eggs, Milk, and Playgroup. Cozi's got you covered

One of the most interesting aspects of the web for me is better understanding how regular people use digital to improve their lives. I've spent my life targeting regular people, meaning middle income people, mostly families. So when a friend told me about Cozi and how it was making their family life better, I had to surf on over.

Founded by former Microsofties and based up in rainy Seattle, the idea behind Cozi is to offer web based organization and planning tools. Users get a family life scheduler, a message board, a family journal, grocery list app, and a couple of other tools. Not rocket science, but really really easy to use and profoundly useful for both one and two earner families.

Cozi is ideally suited for the planner type of person -- someone who either prefers not to wing life or who has so much to do that organization is essential to getting it all done.

My friends are a two earner family with three kids -- kids with karate and ballet and playgroup. With two professional parents, it's important that they figure out who can do what each day, and having this web-based platform to do the planning and messaging is very helpful.

They tell me also that the kids add to the grocery list, send notes, and one daughter does her best to keep a daily journal.

Naturally, this kind of tool is attracting the sort of demo that is very useful to lots of adverrtisers -- food in the box and soap in the box come to mind immediately, but I can just as easily see auto, finance, retail, and and and.

Marketers can offer a cobranded version to their customer or prospects, or they can advertise in the product and in newsletters.

I think this is a great idea and the consumer experience is exactly what it needs to be: useful to all, simple for parents, and fun for kids. Is it time for you to have a Cozi relationship?

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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