Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Do We Need Another Travel Site?

I think so. As a frequent traveler I am constantly looking for new places to go - places that aren't on the top ten list. And I have specific needs - I often travel alone, and I have the complexion of a Clorox bottle, so sunworshipping no c'est moi. I also REALLY LIKE history, especially poltiical history. For example, during a recent trip to Italy with a focus on art, I was able to find a small group focused on the politics behind the art I was seeing.

But my needs may not match yours. You may have kids, or like real isolation, or dancing the night away. Or whatever.

These are the reasons I like UpTake.com, a site that begins with your travel needs and preferences, and then searches more than 20 million personal recommendations to deliver options that will please you.

By basing its recommendations on user recommendations, the site really places a premium on honest opinion. Its revenue model appear to be based upon bounty or revshare plus advertising. You don't book on UpTake, you get info there. Then (if their model works) you click on a link or ad and book at one of the many sites that specialize in that.

UpTake is in what they are calling a pre-beta, but says they are near to beginning a true beta. If you are a frequent traveler like me, I think the site is worth a visit. It also warrants a look from travel advertisers.

Founded by former Yahoo Travel GM Yen Lee, the site has, in my opinion, a good shot at fulfilling a key segment of travelers that have specific needs and don't mind spending good money on travel opps that really meet them.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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