Monday, March 17, 2008

Vortex Me

You want into Facebook right? Of course you do. It now represents a significant percent of Total page views and time spent online. People spend hours there a month. But what should you do? Make a brand page? Well, that’ll work if your brand is the Lakers, but what if it’s a mop? Are there tens of thousands of people who want to friend a mop? And even if there are, are you prepared to connect with people who are clamoring to be friends of a mop?

I work with a client called Real Time Matrix that has an interesting option to consider, whether you're the Lakers or O-Cedar. It’s called Vortex, and it’s a modular content unit that can live in Facebook. And when it does, it gives you control of a full page of completely customizable real estate. It can also live in iGoogle, Netvibes, and on a desktop.

It may be an interesting option if yours is a brand with content, both as a way of growing reach and as a new ad channel that you can monetize. It is particularly relevant for publishers in this regard. Some online publishers are using it to develop an ad network with leading bloggers. AN example is Social Media Today.

It may work for you alternatively as an advertising solution if you crave to be connected to a certain kind of content or passionate user.

I fully admit I am biased on this. Personally and professionally. But it’s free to look.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to write.

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