Thursday, December 4, 2008

Steve Peace Channels The London Sun For This Piece

As usual Steve overdelivers. But he needs help with headlines to truly be Sun-y. The paper that ran "Gotcha" above a picture of the sinking Argentine fleet during the Falklands War. His suggested headline was:

Twilight Marketing Takes Daring New Direction

whereas The Sun might say something like...

Twilight Snog a Bloodspurt

Anyway...Ivana Be Alone now, so without further adieu:


The marketers behind the hit teen vampire flick, “Twilight,” are using a daring new approach to maintaining post-release interest in the film. They seem to be insinuating a romantic link between the leads in the film, Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart. Far fetched? The raw material is certainly there. All of America got sweaty for Stewart in her Lolita-ish “Into the Wild” role (then felt guilty about it – I mean the dead kid resisted her ‘cause she was only 16...). Pattison? He’s that crazed looking brit with the gravity-defying locks. And he’s a vampire.

A careful campaign designed to appeal to insiders and influencers was launched with highly nuanced placements like the latest Life&Style piece:

Pattison cannily denied the rumors by professing that he got really nervous about the kissing scenes with Stewart in an US Weekly ‘set the record straight’ piece titled “I’m a Really Bad Kisser.” Rage on teen hormones, rage on.

Sexy co-stars dating in real life?! What’ll those Hollywood marketers think up next?

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