Thursday, October 8, 2009

Check Out The Office Viral Site!

If you are an Office-US fan, check out the promotional viral site they did in support of the event of the season, the Jim/Pam wedding. They did it just right. Check out the video and see what a great actress Jenna Fischer is!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BRAVO Nancy Grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

George Costanza Is In Total Agreement

A new PSA in Brazil is encouraging people to pee in the shower to save water and therefore rainforests. First the PSA...

Now the Seinfeld clip (in Spanish but you'll remember...)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An Amazon Tip Jar? For Competitors?

This blog post from Brad Berens is really making my head spin. I could simply think of it as an interesting idea and leave it at that. But dear reader, you know me. Reckless overthink c'est moi. And what is turning in my head helping a competitor out and giving them their due a new reality of competing in the digital age? Is this how itz done nowadays?

I come from the ole skool of if your competitor is drowning throw him an anvil. But this over the top idea and Brad posting it may be one of those seminal tipping points in evolution of the way brands compete in our times.

Or it might just be a cool little idea. You make the call.

Dammit Brad, you made my noggin hurt.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.