Monday, November 24, 2008

Spying On The President Elect: Not A Good Idea, Verizon...

A variety of media sources have reported that unauthorized Verizon employees had accessed Barack Obama's celly account to see what they could see. The account they scrounged was not current, and was for an old flip phone, not his beloved BlackBerry.

Hmm. In an environment in which privacy is under increased scrutiny, I cannot imagine the lads and lasses at Verizon PR were pleased to have all this go down.

I was not pleased with their lame public response, taken from Adotas:

“This week we learned that a number of Verizon Wireless employees have, without authorization, accessed and viewed President-Elect Barack Obama’s personal cell phone account. The account has been inactive for several months.”
“All employees who have accessed the account – whether authorized or not – have been put on immediate leave, with pay. As the circumstances of each individual employee’s access to the account are determined, the company will take appropriate actions. Employees with legitimate business needs for access will be returned to their positions, while employees who have accessed the account improperly and without legitimate business justification will face appropriate disciplinary action.”

Suspended with pay? I call that a paid vacation reward.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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