Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Niche Social Networks Post 6: Ning

No discussion of niche social networks should take place without a discussion of Ning, a platform that lets you create YOUR OWN social network about anything you choose.

This is truly a mindbender site. I sought to find out how deep it goes, and so typed in ferrets to see if there was a network about them. You know ferrets, the magnificent, squirmy, eminently lovable (if stinky) pets. So was there a ferret network? No. There were 28.

Twenty Eight Ferret Networks!

I could tell you the results of my random typings -- suffice it to say that very few of the esoteric things I thought of were without a readymade community.

The tool itself gives you lots of options to customize your community, and members get to create profiles with a similar feature set to the broadbased SNs. Here are a few screens:

When you create an ID for Ning, you can then join (or apply to join...) any of the networks on the site. No need to retype the basic info, and an opportunity to customize your profile to each community.

Not all communities are public. There is, for example, a community about parents of children with lice looking for a miracle cure. I understand the desire for discretion there. ;0

So Ning, the ultimate network of niche networks. Interesting model -- it will presumably be supported via ads and sponsorship. Such a model will also allow some pretty precise contextual targeting. Which is great.

Somening's happening there! Ouch, sorry for the pun.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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