Monday, February 23, 2009

Bud.TV RIP: I Hardly Knew Ya

From St Louis or perhaps more precisely Brussels comes the news that A-B, the Belgian brewing company, has dumped Bud.TV, its attempt to create a branded entertainment venue online.

From the beginning was a big gamble -- a $30 Million (!) investment in video, games, applications, and and and that was envisioned as a big traffic solution to the very real challenges of brand-y brands getting TV sized reach in digital. It was hoped that this ginormous site would attract a huge following -- creating for A-B a new way of touching its consumers.

But nope, it turns out that Americans want content creators created by...content creators, not brewers. There were a host of problems, but I think that was the real hub of the issue.

Well, away it goes. Companies have done stupider things than Bud TV - like value digital companies with almost zero revenue at tens of billions.

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