Tuesday, December 2, 2008

GooJet: First Lady Liberty, Then Pomme Frites, And Now GooJets!

The French -- they give the best gifts!

Well the people at GooJet are dramatically challenging that basic CW assumption by saying, why does it have to be that basic? That suboptimal. Instead, why don't we let the user create a BETTER user experience on the phone? An experience as custom and personal as my handset? Why? Why? WHY?

That's what they're doing, and I love it. The basic idea is to create your own mobile portal completely customized to your content needs and interests. This can include a long list of social media, services, events, news, and other content.

You sign up, then customize your portal by grabbing Goojets (essentially little icons that represent mini or mobile sites for various types of content that interest you. These can be anything from the NYTimes to FaceBook to Twitter to lord knows what else. Click on a Goojet and you get a mobile friendly form of their content.

On an iPhone in particular it makes much more easy and pleasant.

Here's an interview with their marketing guy (in French):

Goojet is a French company, so many of the current available Goojets are Euro-centric. Which means you have one click access to The Sun! Nothing better for Brangelinaphiles!

Seriously, it's an excellent service, and presumably there will be ways to sponsor Goojets and the like in the future. I hope that they get a strong presence going in the US because Goojet is pretty darned cool.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for this great article about Goojet. The whole team loved your post title ;)

    Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or comment (through Goojy for example)


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