Monday, December 8, 2008

Curtain Call for UPS Regifter!!!

I love a good viral minisite, and UPS has one in their, a web presence built around the second oldest tradition of the holiday season -- giving away crap you don't want to people you care about, but not very much.

Here's the intro video:

And then there is a gallery of regiftables, along with the essential regift a friend system.

Holidays are a great time for this sort of viral, and I think UPS really hit it right by taking the regifting idea to its logical online splendiferousness.

Oh, and also nice visual cues tying it to the whhiteboard campaign. Nice to know that the brand cops at UPS are on the scene. Often, stuff like that gets forgotten in viral. Even the narrator CD guy is featured, using a Flowbee!

Bravo, UPS. I'll be sending you a fruit cake as a prize for this great effort. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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