Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Local Mouth - A Town Page For Everywhere in Britain

Not everyone is an iPhone totin', RSS feeding, iGoogle-iac, and for those web nonexperts, finding local info can be challenging. While major and medium sized municipalities often build their own sites, even those can be a little challenging to find.

Add to that the cost and complexity of building such a site and it soon becomes apparently why every little hamlet doesn't have a website -- or at least one that gets updated with any degree of frequency.

LocalMouth is trying to meet the need of towns, hamlets, and suburbs throughout great Britain. Essentially an online directory of small town sites, the serivce offers communities s templated destination and the opporutnity to allow people to add to and update content on a self serve basis.

LocalMouth's TC pitch is here:

It's pretty simple, actually, and I always gravitate to simple. There's a map, a house and aprtment listings page, a business directory, a plaqce that collects local blogs and blog posts, an events board, and a community forum. Check out these screens and you'll "get it" in an instant.

It's a deceptibvely simple idea, and the opportunity to sell tergeted ads may indeed make it a lucrative one.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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