Friday, November 7, 2008

Las Vegas Tourism Tries to Bring Elephants and Donkeys Together (And Boost Tourism To Boot)

As you know, it has been both a divisive political year and a softish tourism year for the fine people of Las Vegas. In an effort to attract some buzz and attention while remaining totally true to the racy brand equity of LV, the LVCVA and R&R Partners have put out a great viral video -- one sure to make a few politicos long for fun and sun.

Happily the models in the vid are NOT Mary Matalin and James Carville. Not sure I wanna see THEM frolicking in a pool.

But alas I have strayed from the subject. Back to the ad.

The campaign is called Let The Healing Begin, and this is a great example of how to quickly turn out an ad concept for viral and other distribution based upon a timely message. Long gone are the days when we could plan a campaign for 6 months. Now the best efforts -- like this one -- come from carefully mulling opportunities and then taking brisk action.

See the vid on the LVCVA website or at the reskinned LV Channel at YouTube

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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