Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good News for Yahoo! Now Number Two in Video Plays!

As America's self appointed number one Yahoo booster, I was delighted to read this post on Tech Crunch, which indicated that in Aug/Sep 2008, Yahoo rose to the number
two position in video plays, ahead of Fox, Hulu, MSN, and Nick.

Yes yes, they still pale in comparison to YouTube plays, but if you think about video in the context of a money flow -- that a monetizable vid sends money to the shower, and that a nonmonetizable one is actually an expense to the provider, then the numbers look a lot different. TC's piece says that only about 4% of YT vids are monetizable, whereas Yahoo and Fox and Hulu and MSN have a much higher proportion of professional, prescreened vids that advertisers are delighted to run before or on top of. So Yahoo and YT may be a lot closer in revenue than it looks.

And of course it helps to have an election and a Wall Street meltdown for a property with a politics, news, and finance page view leadership.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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