Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Syndicaster: Good Fast Cheap?

It's pretty tough to go wrong with that selling message.

And Syndicaster is an offering that holds the promise of delivering just that. I am not the target audience for this product, but i like what I see and have read about them on sites like Tech Crunch, so I thought I'd offer a plug here.

The business of taking broadcast video content and putting it online would appear to be easy. I mean, after all, millions of people upload vids every day to YouTube and many other sites.

But for TV stations interested in delivering their news and other content online, most rely on a high cost offering and a station by station archive.

Syndicaster aims to change that with a no hardware and no local software web-based solution that promises to convert, catalog, and archive TV content in as little as 60 seconds. Here's how they describe the offering:

Join our broadcast partners and start today to edit, organize, catalog and immediately publish your video without having to install and maintain complex hardware or software. You can quickly create video clips, add titles, edit the fully keyword searchable transcripts and publish your video content for viral online distribution, all within 60 seconds of airtime.

The Broadcaster's Online Video Ecosystem

- Live Clip Creation From Any Location
- The Most Advanced Online Editing Tools
- Instant CMS Integration,
- Instant Distribution & Monetization
- All Your Stations Standardized On One Robust Ad Tagging Platform
- Including Full-Text Transcripts
- No Hardware, No Software
- Key Word Searchable 30-Day Archive
-On-Air to Online in Seconds

Importantly, with the consolidation of media ownership, it's natural that companies want to share feature content across stations and markets. The online archive of Syndicaster makes that very easy. Something that's sure to help companies looking to cut costs.

The website says 420 stations are already using the offering, which would seem to indicate that good, fast, cheap is a very appealing offer, indeed!

Syndicaster is an offering of Critical Media, a company focused on making broadcast video searchable and monetizable across the web.

Dedicated to making broadcast video search as ubiquitous as text search, the Company provides tools and services to content consumers, providers, distributors and advertisers that leverage its real-time media capture infrastructure. Every day, our media capture infrastructure, the largest in the world, processes in real time over 10,000 hours of broadcast content on 4 continents, making every minute of it discoverable and monetizable within 60 seconds of airtime.

One more sign of the blurring lines between broadcast and web.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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