Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Snackr: Nibble On Your Feeds

I admit that I wish I more closely followed my feeds. I sign up for them, then just sort of rarely get around to them.

So I was happy to try out Snackr, a service that users the tagline "Nibble on your feeds." What Snackr does is place a ticker of content bits from your feeds along the bottom of your screen. Like a headline? Have a nibble. Here's a screen:

Pretty cool, huh? Importing an existing list of feeds is easy, just click. To add new ones, it's a little harder, but not what you'd call hard. Just a bit of manual entry at times.

Overall I am impressed and am visiting my feeds more frequently, while trawling the web for info a little less. For me it's a nice trade. Perhaps the best thing, when I need to focus I just click it closed. And here's the best bit, it's actually closed. It doesn't try to open itself, dancing purple chickens don't beg me to click it open. It's there when I want it. I like polite software!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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