Monday, September 29, 2008

Vox: Making Blogs More Attractive and Private

Like Tumblr, Vox takes another tack at blogging, this time with a focus on ease of use and privacy.

Both features are absolutely needed. With hundreds of millions of blogs (though many sitting there with only one or a couple of posts)there is clealry room for segmentation. And making blogging easier is a welcome innovation.

But let's focus first on privacy. The idea that every post anyone makes is intended for a global audience is silly. How is it possible for children to blog safely in this environment? How is it possible for people to share family stories with other family members? Email is all well and good, but it lacks a certain privacy, and it makes it far harder to include photos and other forms of non text content.

So that's that. Now let's go to ease. Different blogging platforms have different strengths. Blogger for example is easy peasy but is more limited in its feature set than Wordpress, for example. Vox, however, takes easy to another level.

Another Vox strength is in the broad range of designs available. To use more than the dozen and a half templates in Blogger, you need to mess with HTML, which is clearly beyond the interests of most people.

Here's the Vox sell copy on design and ease of use:

Vox is the only service that combines words, images, music, books, audio and video. Your life is more than just text. Finally, a place that makes the "video" setting on your digital camera something more than an extra feature you never use. And, of course, all your rich-media items have Vox's fine-grained privacy options built right in.

Hey, it's another blogging platform. There are well over a dozen major ones. Which one is right for you depends on what you want. But Vox is definitely worth a look, especially if privacy and attractiveness are high on your list.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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