Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bukisa: Get Paid For Your Content

As long as UGC has been a thing, there have been creators trying to make money off of their work. And that's just fine. Great in fact. People should get paid for their ideas if they so choose.

Various models have been tried, from subs to AdSense to pay per post. So I was intrigued by the site Bukisa, a community that pays per view of submitted content and rewards virality by offering you a cut of the the views that people you get to register and in turn submit content drive. Oh, that was a bad sentence. Think Amway. You make money on your sales, and a cut of the sales of the people you recruit.

Any kind of content can be submitted:


Once you have submitted your content, you can then invite friends to visit Bukisa and read your content. The more content you submit, the more potential earnings you can generate.

The system makes it easy to submit lists from a variety of social media web sites and email address books for maximum virality. As friends and acquaintances visit your content, and as web wanderers encounter it, you earn money on a CPM basis. Obviously THEY make money through ad impressions via banners, vids, and AdSense.

This is where the levels come in - when friends join and submit content you profit from that. This is how they do the math. You get all the revenue from your content, and part of the revenue for second and third levels.

What's more, you can push your content out across the web through RSS or embeds.

Now, their earn model assumes a lot of things, like A LOT of signups, levels that my personal network could not support. So you may not earn quite as much as in this example. And to be fair, they are very straightforward with their assumptions. But bloggers, for example, are working to make a lot less than $5K a year, so their model may indeed hold a lot of promise.

Bukisa is in beta, so there is not an enormous amount of content up yet. But that actually means opportunity -- you can be the first to post your kind of content. I wish you and your pocketbook all the best.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

1 comment:

  1. I've signed up on Bukisa and hope it lives up to the possibilities it has. I'm a big fan of building residual income, and hope to use Bukisa as one of my income streams if it pans out.


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