Friday, July 25, 2008

Rofo: The Commercial Real Estate Community

The commercial real estate business is traditionally a bit of an old boys network, with giant international brokerages controlling most of the choice stuff.

Rofo << it stands for Right of First Offer >> is out to level the playing field with an online search tool and community that helps people find real estate faster and at a better value.

The "community" aspect of this product comes in the form of ratings and reviews of spaces, and through an ability to compare your rent to others in the same building or area.

Another interesting aspect of this is that companies can post their space needs and gather "bids" or proposals anonymously. So, in effect, spaces come to you instead of the other way around.

They make their money from the space owners, by charging $20 for a tour request -- it's a heckuvalot cheaper than a commission!

I conducted a few searches on Rofo, and it appears that they have good levels of inventory, at least in major markets.

For start-ups looking for space, it seems to make good economic and time management sense to give them a try. You can at least narrow your choices without schlepping from one end of creation to another.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

1 comment:

  1. Rofo's new video on youtube is hilarious!


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