Monday, July 14, 2008

New Quantcast: Vanity Stats Gone Wild!

Well, the QuantCast interface has changed, and with it the amount of free info you can get about your site has exploded. I input my url here to give you an idea of the stats it provides:

1. Total monthly visitors: This tells you how many uniques you have and where they come from.

2. Gender: M/F splits of your visitors

3. Age: Percent of your audience by demo

4. Income: Percent of your audience by salary quintile

5. Presence of Kids: Like it says on the tin.

6. Race: Percent by.

7. Education: Percent by schooling level.

It also gives you stats about your users and the frequency with which they visit. This tells you about loyalty.

To get all this info free you simply insert a tiny HTML doodad into your template. Voila! Free stats.

Now, for this little non-revenue producing blog, all this may seem like vanity stats. And truth be told, for me it probably is. But ad bearing web sites can also get these analytics to help them sell advertising and sponsorships.

So, for those who may wish to indulge in vicarious vanity -- there are about 1300 uniques to this blog per month. 6/10 are male, and you tend to be very well educated and well heeled income wise. About 1% of you are "addicts." If you take me out of the equation -- ergo removing one unique, that means that 12 of you -- or thereabouts -- are extremely regular visitors. Big sloppy kisses to all of you dozen geriophiles! A massive 70-some-odd percent are "passers by" -- meaning you only visit once in a blue moon. I love you anyway, and thank you for your visit.

Get yourself some Quantcast, baby. It's free.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to write.

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