Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Live Search Meets Discover Card

Well, you've probably seen or heard about the latest from MSFT, and offering that rewards you for using Live Search Cashback over Google by offering you discounts. It takes a bite straight at the jugular of Google Search by diverting people who are ready to buy to the Live world.

Hey, there have been a lot of initiatives in Search to decrown Google, none succcessful. But this one has some potential, at least as I see it. Why WOULDN'T I choose to get a discount on something if I am ready to buy? And if you're MSFT, your fortunes have nowhere to go but up in Search. So it makes some sense for them.

Of course, its success will all depend on what Yahoo and Google do...if they also offer discounts than all Live will have succeedied in doing is depressing the profits of the search industry. But I imagine that Google at least will adopt a wait and see attitude. It bears keeping it on your radar.

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